The Accountant ended in a way that left an opening for a sequel. There are numerous possibilities for the sequel if the production companies choose to create one.
That is about a 100% rate of return based on gross revenue. I think there is a strong chance that there will be a sequel especially after the upcoming Batman movies. Ben Affleck will want to cash in on his Batman popularity by making other movies.
Ben Affleck is probably the most expensive actor in the movie. The only other expensive characters that will have to be brought back are Anna Kendrick and possibly Jon Bernthal, so I think The Accountant 2 can be produced in a cost-effective manner.
If you want to learn who those characters are, make sure to check out our The Accountant Wiki page.
Let’s move onto what we came here to discuss. Why should the Big 4 produce the next Accountant movie.
1. I Think It Could Increase The Profitability Of The Film
The film did not highlight public accounting at all, so I think it could do even better if they featured the big 4 firms. The big 4 accounting firms employee almost one million people across the globe. If you featured the accountant working at a big 4 firm, you could tap into that huge pool of potential customers. Additionally all those public accountants also have families that they would drag to the films. Another benefit is that accountants are very well paid, so maybe they would purchase the tickets to the movie. They would also purchase the movie on iTunes, apple TV, android or amazon when it gets released to streaming services.
Check out our revenue posts to learn about how many employees work for each big 4 firm
Ernst & Young Number of Employees
2. Whichever Big 4 Public Accounting Firm Helped Produce The Movie Could Use It As A Recruiting Tool
All the big four firms have been trying desperately to recruit to millennials. Well why not produce a full blow movie about accounting to reach them. I feel like that would be one of the best ways to get recruits through the door. After watching The Accountant, I was pumped that I was an accountant. I think the big 4 could get a lot of young people to not only choose their firm, but they could also get high school students to explore going to college to major in accounting.
EY has been trying to market to millennials
KPMG pays for kids to go to college
Get your copy of The Accountant Movie today on Amazon.
So why doesn’t one of them get the biggest bang for the buck and produce a Hollywood movie about accounting? I think they should.
3. The firm that produced it could use it to improve their image
Lets face it – the big 4 accounting firms have been getting tons of heat lately:
Deloitte faced scrutiny over the Monsanto whistleblower
KPMG has been asked to answer for the Wells Fargo fraud
EY has had to settle with the SEC for getting too close to clients and for not detecting fraud at Weatherford
PwC settled a case where they faced a $5.5 billion judgment
Any one of these firms can use a huge publicity boost. All of the firms look like they aren’t doing their jobs. The public obviously expects them to spot fraud, and they are not accomplishing it. They can improve their image by having Ben Affleck’s character work at their firm and have him take down a bad client.
Let’s use the recent headline about KPMG not spotting the fraud at Wells Fargo as an example. You could have The Accountant work at KPMG on a big bank client. He finds that thousands of employees at the bank were directed by a corrupt CEO to defraud customers. He later finds out that the CEO is part of a huge criminal ring and blows him and his cronies away. BOOM!!! KPMG looks like a legit firm that tries to get rid of bad guys that are poisoning the public trust(even if that’s not true).
4. The Big 4 Firms Could Pool Together And Improve The Image Of Public Accounting At Large
As we stated above all the big firms have faced bad publicity. Why not pool together and help fund the sequel. They can create a fake big accounting firm in the film that The Accountant works for to improve all of their images. They can show public accounting in a positive light to promote more people to trust public accountants.
This could be their first test venture into Hollywood. If it goes well, then they can keep putting out tons of movies about accounting, taxes, and consulting. The big 4 firms already do this to some extent with the Center for Audit Quality. The center for audit quality is supposed to increase investor confidence in the big 4, but it hasn’t really accomplished this as evidenced by all the bad press. The governing board consists primarily of big 4 partners which shows that the big 4 have already partnered together to try to improve their public image.
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