How Many People Work For PwC?

The number of employees working at PwC in their latest fiscal year was 223,468 people. Those employees worked in over 157 countries. These employees worked in 743 office locations around the world. That represents an increase in 7 percent based on the prior year number of employees.

58,081 people joined the firm in 2016. Of the 58,000 employees that joined PwC in 2016, 26,780 were college graduates.

61,702 of PwC’s employees participated in community activities.

PwC Partners

PwC employed 10,830 partners in 2016. That represents an increase of almost 200 partners from 2015. PwC had 10,611 partners in 2015. In 2014, PwC had 10,002 partners.

Client Service Staff

PwC employed 177,182 staff in fiscal year 2016. That is an increase of about 14,000 employees when compared to the 2015 of 163,513.

How Many People Worked for PwC in 2015?

Based on PwC’s global annual review for 2015, the number of employees working at PwC was 208,109 employees at the end of 2015. Those employees worked 537,000 hours and generated revenue of $35 billion.