2016 CPA Exam New Simulation Type: Document Review Simulation (DRS)
The AICPA announced that beginning as early as July 2016, a new task-based simulation, known as the Document Review Simulation (DRS), will be integrated into the CPA Exam.
This new style of task-based simulations are updated to match real world assignments of a newly licensed CPA. The changes are to reflect the profession’s evolution and to more closely tie to task expected to be perform on the job.
The Document Review Simulation is an appendage of the Task-Based Simulation that will appear on the AUD, FAR, and REG sections of the CPA Exam.
The AICPA has not yet confirmed whether the 2016 DRSs will be taken into consideration as apart of the exam grade, therefore, candidates should prepare for this new simulation as if it will be graded.
So what will the DRS section look like
The DRS will provide a primary document such as a memo for the candidate’s review. The document will have highlighted words, phrases, sentences or even paragraphs that will direct you to selection options. Here, you must determine if the original text is correct, if it should be deleted, or if there is a better option. Related source materials such as exhibits and authoritative literature will be available in separate tabs to assist with this section.
Sample Document Review Simulations are available on the AICPA website