Big 4 Jobs
Big 4 Recruiting Process
Are you currently looking for a big 4 job or are in the recruiting process for the four big public accounting firms? This page is meant to be a helpful resource to you.
Read more: What are the big 4 accounting firms?
Get a free big 4 accounting resume template
Learn big 4 interview questions that you might be asked.
Learn some great big 4 interview tips.
We’ve created a youtube playlist that will help you through the recruiting process. There are videos in this playlist to help you with big 4 interview questions. The videos also have big 4 interview answers. There is also a video in the playlist that lets you know what GPA you need to have to get a big 4 accounting firm job. Additionally there is a video that covers the Ernst and Young interview process for those interested in a job at EY.
What is it like to work at the Big Four Accounting Firms?
Before you get a job at the big 4 accounting firms, you need to know what it is like to work at the big 4 accounting firms. More specifically you need to know what the career path is. It is a long career path, but it could be a very rewarding career path. In order to learn more, visit our big 4 accounting firms career path page where we discuss all the roles that you can expect to have at a typical big 4 accounting firm from intern to partner.
What can you expect to earn as a partner at the big four public accounting firms?
Learn what roles you can expect to have from intern to partner.
The big 4 accounting firms are public accounting firms, but what does that mean? Learn what a public accounting firm is.
Learn what it is like to be a big 4 intern.