What does BDO stand for?
BDO stands for Binder, Dijke and Otte which is named after their founders.
BDO History
Binder was from the UK
Dijker was from the Netherlands
Otte was from Germany
BDO became a global firm in 1963, and they celebrated their 50th year as a global organization in 2013.
In the 1980’s BDO merged with Siedman and was renamed BDO Siedman
Siedman and Siedman was founded in 1910 by M L Siedman
BDO locations
BDO is located in 167 countries around the world thanks to their global firm positioning. They have 1,617 offices in those 167 countries.
BDO number of employees
According to BDO, they have 88,120 around the globe as of 2019. They note that they have 10 to 1 staff to partner ratio.
In 2018, BDO reported that they had 80,087 people around the globe, so there is a 10% growth in employees at BDO.
BDO accounting firms ranking
BDO is the 5th largest accounting firm in the world by revenue. They are not considered one of the big four accounting firms.
BDO Revenue
In December 2019, BDO reported revenues of 9.6 billion. This makes them the fifth largest accounting firm in the world.
They grew revenue by almost $1 billion from 2018. BDO’s 2018 revenues were $8.99 billion.
Revenue grew the most in the America with 15.7% growth.
The EMEA region had the second largest growth with 12.9% growth.